Yesterday evening, it was Wizard Blenkinsop's turn to provide a sumptuous banquet for the contenders in my
'Come Dine With Me' competition.
At first, I was a somewhat put out.
The wizard had decided that, as it was Shrove Tuesday, all we would have to eat was pancakes!
I did not feel that this really constituted a meal - nor involved much effort on the Wizards part.
Of course, I should have known better.
On my first bite I slipped into a remembrance of a wonderful day, that the Old Monkey and I had, climbing Watercress Tower. Immediately, my mouth filled with the paradoxical pleasures of the peppery coolness of a watercress sandwich. I could feel the freshness of spring water running between my toes.
The Old Monkey, meanwhile, insisted that he felt the unbounded joy of swinging through the trees and filling his mouth with wild berries.
"That is the whole point of these pancakes!" declared the Wizard "They are magical," he explained, "As you eat, they bring back your most treasured memories, the taste, the smell and the feel of a time when you were most happiest!"
Well, I must admit - it was a most impressive dining experience.
Then Beaver had to spoil it all.
"Cor! I can taste the Black Tom we guzzled on that joyous day when we trapped you in that cage! Bloomin' marvelous - one of the greatest days in our struggle against your despotic rule!" he wept.
I have three more evenings of his company to endure.
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