I have been inspired by my genealogical research to build an Elephant Hotel, like that named after my Great, Great Aunt Lucy, at my holiday resort Uncle Island.
Here is an artists impression of how it will look as you arrive on the switchback railway from Lonely Tower.

If you have never been there, I heartily recommend Uncle Island as a place to forget all your depression blues.
It is the favourite holiday destination of the many dwarfs of Homeward who love the roller coasters, merry-go-rounds, ferris wheels and carousels.

The Badfort Crowd enjoyed holidaying there until I was forced to ban them. One summer Hootman took over the Haunted House and started demanding rent, with menaces, from the other ghosts.

Beaver scammed other holiday makers by riding around in the bumper cars deliberately driving into people, faking accidents, and claiming they owed him money for personal injury.

Buy my Biographies in Great Britain here and here
Buy my Biographies in America here and here
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