Saturday 17 September 2022

May 68

I have not been able to post for some time because I have been having to deal with the crisis brought on by the oil shortage that has developed. Sadly, this does not appear to have put a stop to the Badfort Crowd's celebrations of the fortieth anniversary of the May 1968 Badgertown uprising. Indeed, they have created a flaming river of burning oil around Badfort beside which they have been dancing and having wild, Black Tom fueled, parties. They have also put on an exhibition of the disgraceful art that the Badfort Popular Front created at the time. These were stuck up around Badgertown on a daily basis during the heat of struggle. At the time I was only beginning my entrepreneurial endeavours but as you can see I was already a target for their vicious attacks. As you can see - one of the posters featured a squashed bicycle, a libelous reference to the incident when I borrowed a bicycle and had an unfortunate accident. The radical students took to chaining broken bicycles all over Badgertown, in order to taunt me about the incident. Here are some photos taken at this most dangerous time of total upheaval in the history of Badgertown. In the preface to the exhibition, Beaver Hateman together with his cohorts who helped to produce the posters, says they are “weapons in the service of the struggle”. They add that “their rightful place is in centres of conflict, that is to say, in the streets and on the walls of the factories... This is why the Badfort Crowd has always refused to put them on sale. This selection of posters conjures up a radical past and will hopefully inspire a reaction against complacency. The ideas behind this uprising, and its spontaneous and rebellious outpouring in graphic art, should be utilised by us all. Down with Uncle!" However – be prepared to be sickened by a visit to the gallery shop for examples of this work. Each poster has been “artistically recreated” and can be yours for the princely sum of £150 each! Beaver claims that the money is going towards "the struggle" but judging by the amount of Black Tom being consumed I think we all can guess the truth.

1 comment:

  1. Guard your bike!

    Love it! (and such an in-joke for us Uncle fans!)
