Saturday 17 September 2022

Race for the Moon

How embarrassing - fisticuffs with my own puppet. We decided that the only way to put a stop to 'The Uncle and Monkey' propaganda that has been polluting our airwaves was to mount a raid on Badfort TV. This we achieved - the puppeteers have seen the error of their ways, and are now going to work for the Badgertown Broadcasting Corporation. I have written some scripts myself, extolling the virtues of good citizenship. I am sure that it will be every bit as popular as that rowdy nonsense Beaver was responsible for. As we were making our escape from Badfort, however, we were confronted by an even bigger example of Beaver's depravity. We passed through a studio with a number of cameras pointing at a window - the view out concealed by blinds. My curiosity got the better of me - why so many cameras pointing outwards? The Old Monkey lifted the blinds to reveal an underground lair, concealing - a space rocket! As you know, one of my New Year's resolutions had been to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of my first trip to the moon. We have been meticulously planning a return visit. So, Beaver intends to ruin our plans by getting their first! We shall soon see about that!

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