Saturday 17 September 2022

Secret Trillionaire Day 4

Today we went to work on Butterskin Mute's farm. He lets some of the poorer inhabitants of Badgertown come on day trips to 'work the land'. They are allowed to keep the produce they pick which provides a very nutritious supplement to their diet. More importantly, the opportunity to become at one with nature has healing, meditative properties providing an absolutely transformative moment and a long term positive impact on their lives. The only problem, says Butterskin, is that they keep swapping what they pick for Black Tom. I noticed that Mister Matehan, the bearded gentleman that I keep running into, has a stall set up by the farm gate - he was doing a thriving trade exchanging his noxious brew for vegetables and fruit. At last I have found a worthy cause deserving of my largesse. But something will have to be done about Matehan's dubious activities. I spent the whole day meditating on the good fortunes of my life whilst picking Red-Blue fruits. They are hairy and not very attractive but my friend Claudius the Camel is very fond of them so the Old Monkey is going to make him a pie. We had some on toast for our evening meal.

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